A Special Resurrection Message from Caryl Matrisciana

Via our dear friend Caryl Matrisciana:

May our Risen Lord’s many promises bless you this Resurrection Season when we commemorate the miracle that happened 2000 years ago, that First Easter Sunday in Israel. Jesus didn’t just die on a cross and be placed in a tomb – He came back to life again!

I hope you can join us as we thankfully worship our Risen Lord during our upcoming trip to Israel when we will be visiting many of the sites our Lord walked and taught and healed miraculously: With appreciative hearts we can see where He was crucified for our sins, and joyously celebrate in Jerusalem from where He resurrected and ascended!

Do please come with us to the Holy Land and experience it first-hand alongside Bible readings where possible, I’ll be teaching at some places, joined by my friend Johanna and her husband Pastor Randolph Michaelsen.




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