Signs of the Times

An excerpt from our latest newsletter:

From the beginning of the Church 2000 years ago, God’s people have lived in godless, idolatrous lands where everyone did what was right in their own eyes… where evil was called good and good, evil (Isaiah 5:20-21). Until recently we at least lived in a land that had respect for God, the Bible and those who sought to walk by faith.

It would seem those days are at an end. Since the 1960’s, God has been ignominiously and systematically evicted from our schools, the military and the public arena. The wholesale slaughter and unspeakable, brutal butchery of unborn babies is vociferously defended and protected by law. (See article by A. Spreeman “Third Planned Parenthood Expose Most Shocking yet”  at Berean Research.)

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One Response to Signs of the Times

  1. Lorraine Dusseau October 31, 2015 at 11:59 am #

    I have your book (Two. Copies of “The Beautiful Side of Evil”.. (One’s always getting loaned). I love your work! CarlynM. and you working together on a upcoming project will be amazing.
    Both of you have helped me have words and BACK ONE when I am confronted. I am an Ex-Catholic and most of my family still is…or they’re pagan, atheist s, white witches…messy. I stand clear.
    At times, it is lonely going for a Christian to stand their ground, but all worth it. That you for giving me bravery and words to know I am right by stepping away- no matter how “humanly” lonely it gets.
    With Peace,